Llampha area, 3rd July

Lead: Liz

A walk on a glorious evening on a hot July day.

Having had no walks yet this summer, it seemed well time to have one, so on Tuesday, 3rd July, six of us left for the Llampha area. We had a delightful three and a half mile walk firstly along a quiet lane then past a nearly dry pond passing some very young and inquisitive cattle in a meadow. Soon we were passing nearby Llampha Court and following an ancient greenway, now beautifully cleared by Valeways, who do such a wonderful job keeping so many lanes, greenways and footpaths free from undergrowth and, where possible, mending or reporting faulty stiles.

We had gone armed with secateurs etc, but these were barely used and soon we reached a delightful old bridge where, after a water halt, we looked at the remains of an ancient settlement and admired the handiwork of the well built bridge. From here it was across several meadows and stiles to one with lovely big hay rolls….we couldn’t resist a little bit of larking around, and decided this was the spot for the photo opportunity. Not an easy ask to get us all in position!!

3 july

We then ambled in glorious evening sunshine to the railway and the stile recently well cleared by two of us, across another couple of fields then along several quiet lanes to the cars (one rather uphill!) and reached the pub at exactly the time we had planned. Thanks to all who came along and maybe someone else can plan an evening walk, with a bit more notice than that given for this walk.